Our fees vary and will depend on the Sale price of the property you are selling. An example of our charges can be found below.
If you are selling your Property in Ashbourne with a postcode of DE6 for £240,000, our fees will be:
£775.00 plus VAT
* If you have further Mortgages/Charges to redeem £40 plus VAT will be added for each further Mortgage/Charge.
We are happy to pay your Estate Agents on completion and we do not charge for this service.
Note: If your matter requires additional work that is not included in your original estimate, you will be informed of this and any additional cost at the earliest opportunity.
Matters typically exceed the quoted fee when they are particularly complicated for example:
• Where the Title is Leasehold
• Arranging and implementing Indemnity Insurance Policies
• Dealing with Third Party Solicitors
Please contact the office on 01335 300949 if you have any queries or would like a more detailed quote for the property you are selling.
Our fees vary and will depend on the Purchase price of the property you are buying. An example of our charges can be found below.
If you are buying a Property in Belper with a postcode of DE56 for £150,000, our fees will be:
£850.00 plus VAT
* Our Search Pack to include ordering, reviewing and advising upon the search results are £250 plus VAT.
**HM Land Registration Fee (this is based upon the price of the property and whether the property is registered land –Please see the Land Registry’s website for their specific charges.
*** Stamp Duty Land Tax – This would depend upon the price of the property, whether you are a first time buyer and whether you own any additional property. Please see HMRC’s online Stamp Duty Land Tax calculator for further guidance.
Note: If your matter requires additional work that is not included in your original estimate, you will be informed of this and any additional cost at the earliest opportunity.
Matters typically exceed the quoted fee when they are particularly complicated for example:
• Where the Title is Leasehold
• If the property is a New Build
• If we are dealing with a purchase with a Government Help to Buy Scheme
• Help to Buy ISA
• Arranging and implementing Indemnity Insurance Policies
• Dealing with Third Party Solicitors
Please contact the office on 01335 300949 if you have any queries or would like a more detailed quote for the property you are purchasing.
Our typical charges to deal with a Transfer of Equity and/or a Remortgage would be in the region of £695.00 plus VAT, dependent upon the clients’ requirements.
The Disbursements typical for a Transfer of Equity and/or a Remortgage would be as follows:
Office Copy Entries £6.00
HM Land Registry Search Fee £3.00
Bankruptcy Search Fee £2.00 per person
No Search Indemnity Insurance £25.00 (estimated)
HM Land Registration Fee £40.00 (estimated)*
* HM Land Registration Fee (this is based upon the price of the property and whether the property is registered land – Please see the Land Registry’s website for their specific charges.
Buying or selling a property normally takes 2 to 3 months. The process can take longer if you are part of a chain of buyers and sellers. For more information please see the gov.uk website at https://www.gov.uk/buy-sell-your-home which provides a handy conveyancing guide.
1. Obtaining your Title Deeds.
2. Preparing a draft Contract and supporting documentation for submission to the Solicitors acting for your Purchaser.
3. Agreeing the terms of the Contract for the Sale and answering any Enquiries that the Purchaser’s Solicitors may raise.
4. Exchanging Contracts when you and your Purchasers are ready and a Completion date agreed. This is the stage when you are committed to your Sale.
5. Obtaining redemption figures from your Mortgagee (if applicable).
6. Completing your Sale on the date arranged.
7. Redeeming your Mortgage.
8. Settling Estate Agents commission account (if applicable).
1. Obtaining all the necessary information from your Seller.
2. Checking that the Seller has good title.
3. Agreeing the terms of the Contract for the Purchase.
4. When everyone is ready and the moving date agreed, Exchanging Contracts. This is the stage at which you are committed to your Purchase.
5. Making the pre-completion legal arrangements and checks.
6. Getting the Mortgage money from your Lender and any we will need from you.
7. On the moving day, completing the Purchase.
8. Registering your ownership at the Land Registry.
9. Acting for your Lender to make sure that their interests are properly protected.
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2 The Walkway, Grosvenor Rd, Ripley, DE5 3JF
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